Monday, October 22, 2012

Wedding Photo Friday (...well Monday): Save the Date

Hey all!!  So I know it's not Friday, but I wanted to post these pics anyway.  I love these Save the Dates and I hope you enjoy as well.  Happy Friday (Monday)!



You can not forget about the dog.









Pretty much us....









Thursday, October 18, 2012

You Better Save My Date!!

So most bridal books, magazines, websites, etc. say to send save the dates out six months before the wedding.  I have five months to go, but I've been looking for ideas.  The pressure of having a close friend or family member do them is on my shoulders but I'm a very creative artistic goofy type of person (so is my fiance') and most of the ideas I've liked have been online.  All of the ideas have included awesome photos during engagement shoots.  We have already done our engagement shoot with the talented Kim from Kim Newmoney Photography (stay tuned for pics). She has the wacky yet awesome ideas that I love so much (check her out HERE).  

This brings me to a site I think is pretty popular in the wedding planning world, Wedding Paper Divas and their blog.  I am thinking about using them for my save the dates and the discounts they sent me in the mail look pretty good.

Here are some of my favorites... 

all images

As you can tell, the photos are most important...

Tune in tomorrow for Wedding Photo Friday... The post will be on save the dates from the o so cute to the WTF out of the ordinary.  I'm so excited to show you my faves and maybe give you some ideas.  And check your mail in March you might have one of these save the dates for my wedding...

Love Love Love

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Real Wedding Video: Its Judys Life

Have you met Judy and Benji from itsJudysLife?  If not, where have you been?.  Their lives are recorded and posted to youtube everyday!  They're awesome.  Here are videos from their wedding series.  This wedding is absolutely beautiful.  Check them out.

If you like them, subscribe to their lives!  And check out Judys blog HERE.


Metabolism Boost

My worst fear is that...

Before I had my daughter I had the fastest metabolism ever.  I could eat whatever and whenever I wanted without gaining a pound.  I was a whopping 95lbs before my little stinker came along.  Now that my metabolism has slowed down I've been learning how to control my weight and I have also been researching A LOT.  There is no way I ever want to be 95lbs again because I'm grown and that number does not look good on a grown person but maintaining my current weight (140lbs) is key.  I am still working towards my goal weight which is 130lbs.

I found this article by Lauren Conrad (LC) on that caught my interest and I thought that I would share.  Enjoy!


Slim Tip: Boost Your Metabolism
Boosting your metabolism isn’t as hard as you might think. While all of our bodies are different and metabolize in their own ways, there are a few surefire tricks you can rely on to rev up your inner calorie furnace. From early AM workouts to food choices, you can give your metabolism an extra push without too much effort. Sweet! Here are a few simple ways to get your metabolism pumping in no time:
  1. Eat Breakfast! The worst thing you can do to kick-start your day (and your metabolism) is skip breakfast. Click here for my complete breakfast breakdown.  
  2. Get Moving in the Morning. My trainer has always pushed me to do my workouts in the morning. But I’ll be honest. There’s no chance I’ll ever be a morning person, no less someone that can hit the gym before noon. That said, for those of you who are early risers, I encourage you to exercise in the morning. An early morning sweat-session will get your metabolism up and running and therefore burning more calories for the rest of the day. Check out my Fitness section where I’ve shared a few of my favorite exercises and workout routines.
  3. Drink Up! If you’ve even just a tad thirsty (or dehydrated) you run the risk of slowing your metabolism. I’ve heard that drinking cold water actually sparks your metabolism because your body has to work harder to heat it up to its natural temperature. If you have the taste for it, drink green tea too. It has a special compound in it that bumps up the metabolic rate as well. (I drink tea almost everyday!)
  4. Have Whole Grains, Not Multigrain. Complex carbs and fiber-rich foods help to speed up your metabolism. Whole grains are good, multigrain are not. If anything, just remember that!
  5. Eat More, Smaller Meals. Didn’t think you’d see the phrase “eat more” on this list did you? According to WebMD, if you divide your meals up into smaller portions so you eat more often throughout the day, your metabolism won’t have a chance to take a break. Now this doesn’t mean stuff your face 24/7. Instead, try to eat smaller bites throughout the day instead of three large meals. Click here to check out my favorite fat-burning snacks that are perfect for this tip!
Now you may be wondering why I love covering health and fitness here on my blog. And to be honest, it’s because these are important things in my personal life. I’ve been fortunate to work with some amazing fitness and nutrition experts and I figured what better place to share all of the knowledge I’ve gained than here on my website. If you have a particular question about my health or fitness routine, check out the Fitness section or leave your question in the comments below.

What’s been your greatest health or fitness obstacle?

XO Lauren

I mean it looks pretty simple right?  What do you guys think?  Check out my Pescetarian Diet.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Birthday Suits Bridesmaids...


The hardest part of this wedding planning so far is finding bridesmaids dresses... hint the title.  Every time I think I have found the one, I then change my mind.  Here are all the ones that I am in love with (do not pay any attention to the colors) ....






One of these dresses I am definitely choosing.  The wedding will be black tie so I am thinking the longer dresses are more appropriate.  As you can tell, I love the strapless look and all of my bridesmaids can pull this off without a question.  Tell me what you guys think.  What dresses do you like?
