Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Grow Out Challenge

A "little" back drop...

So remember a few years ago when Kim Coles had most of the African American female population going crazy over her hair grow out challenge?  Well I am there now.  I wasn't there a few years ago because I was already natural.  I am still natural but my hair isn't as healthy as I would like.  

In January, I went into one of my moods where I needed to change something and as in most cases when I get in these moods my hair falls victim.   So, I decided to color my hair.  No not highlights or just a portion...the entire head!  I colored my entire head light brown with blond highlights (of course it was professionally done by my wonderful soon to be mother in-law).  I loved it! And I still love it!  

I went from this

To this

Now I'm one of those people that has jet black hair (I get this from my mother) so getting my hair to lift from black to light brown and blond took a lot of chemicals.  Don't get me wrong, my hair did not fall out or anything its just now in the state of being dry all the time and me having to constantly moisturize and my ends are SPLITNATION.  So on to what I want...

My goal is to get my hair back to the health that I want.  Length is not too much of an issue because the healthier the hair is the more the hair will grow.  I'm really looking to get back to the fullness I once had.  Here are a few picks of my hair in its natural state (with the color).

Pics we've all seen before.  So now that I'm getting married, I think I not only need to get my body into shape I also need to get my hair into shape.  I would love to walk down the aisle with my hair looking like this...


...and I can I just have to start now.  So on to the challenge!  Done by Kim Coles a few years ago and also with one of my favorite bloggers Curly Nikki, the grow out challenge will help me achieve my healthiest hair possible.  HERE is a link to Curly Nikki's/ Kim Coles grow out challenge.

  • Drink at least 64 oz of water each day (or half your body weight in ounces)
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • Take a multi vitamin and other beneficial supplements
  • Handle hair gently at all times
  • Seal your ends every time you moisturize
  • Minimize (direct) heat usage
  • Deep treatment at every wash session
  • Develop and follow a consistent hair routine, tailored to your specific needs and desired goals
  • Have fun and enjoy the journey!
In future posts, I will go more into detail about the vitamins I am taking, my hair routine and my current diet.  To start this challenge, I am currently in the process of doing box braids.  A great way to protect my hair from heat and daily manipulation.  I'll show the finished product later.

Have you done the grow out challenge?  If so, share your results!

Thanks for following,

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